so fuck yeah. finally got it done. i was gonna get it done for faster but rounin gash has been takin its toll so i promiced myself id paint this up in no longer than two hours. jeez. well its done.
Yeah, whatever you deem appropriate to be presented under such honorable title. The more it sucks the better. Now I let you gentlemen with a sweet little portrait of... guess who?
the next challange to be posted will be by arturo. arturo if u read this u should have been given the necessary tools to get the show on the road. just send me an email once ur ready to re-initiate the bbb. cheers and stay tuned
I've had this roughly kicking about for a while and still haven't gotten round to finishing it properly, but in light of my pathetic attendance to the order of the bear breast challenges I thought it better to post something than Gurn badger me till the end of time. So yeah kinda loosely looked at ManBeasts and took inspiration from the most beastly of them Michael J. Fox's Teenwolf. I'm not sure if werewolves can be justified as beast-men but i'm assuming that a 'were' anything that is a beast must fit that distinction.
I also found a vid of a pretty odd cartoon teenwolf cartoon series... enjoy.
yeah i kno its not to original but that centaur image stuck in my head. seriously looking forward to see what beasts the rest of u identify with. the thing around my neck is a surgeons mask with a pignose on it. i found it while doing research for this and i thought it was kinda cool.
ok so basicly the challenge is to draw a self portrait of you as a MAN-BEAST. i think the best way is to pick an animal and go from there but other interpretations are good to. go!!!!!
okay here it is. i left it to the last minute and then shit kept getting in my way but im finnally done. not at all happy with the paintjob, especially the sky sucks. but win some lose some, im knackered. im ready for the next challange hurra.
Every time we get a new challenge, I find several peices of paper on my desk, curtsey of this man - Chris king. I've tried to get him to sign up but he won't so I'll just just share this with you. I'm gonna be hard pushed to beat it.